Big Brother Canada Season 11 Casting Guide

Big Brother Canada Season 11 Auditions Tips and Trick to Get Selected

Global and Insight Productions have announced that country-wide auditions for season 11 of “Big Brother Canada” have opened. Fans eager to venture into the competitive household now have the opportunity to do so ahead of the 2023 premiere.

Do you sleep, eat, and breathe Big Brother so much that you want to be part of the next season’s edition? Well, you’re not alone, because right now there are probably thousands of people that think they have what it takes to make it into the “BBCanada” house as a Houseguest next season

Wanna Be on BBCanada Season 11? Your audition better stands out. So what do you have to do to stand out and actually get on this season’s edition of Big Brother Canada? Well, it’s not just filling out the application form, smiling for a photo, and saying how much you love the show.

Did you notice a few boring houseguests and wonder, “Wow, how did these people get on this show? They are so boring.” Well, what probably happened to them was that they were excited in the audition process and got completely flatlined once they were actually on the show. So if you’re auditioning and plan to be super boring once you enter the Big Brother house, please save us from another boring season and just don’t go for the auditioning.

Canadians can apply online at for their chance to become a #BBCAN11 houseguest, competing in a series of extreme challenges in one of the most high-stakes social experiments ever. Fans can also nominate friends on social media by tagging @bigbrotherca and using #FutureHOH for a chance to get noticed by Big Brother Canada’s casting team.

Apply in three simple steps:

  1. Record a short video of yourself explaining why you have what it takes to be one of the next houseguests on Big Brother Canada
  2. Visit the official casting site at
  3. Upload a photo of yourself, along with your video and some basic information

To qualify, houseguest hopefuls must be 19 years of age by February 1, 2023 and submit their applications by November 11, 2022.

So what should you know about being a standout in the audition process?

Here are a few quick tips from the series’ pros. Following these tips is probably your best bet.

  • Own what type of person you are: If you’re loud and obnoxious, don’t sell yourself as the silent killer type of houseguest. As McCrae says, if you’re a pizza boy, own it. Make that your “thing.”
  • Don’t compare yourself to past houseguests: No one wants to watch another “Amanda Zuckerman,” they want to watch someone new. If you say, “I am the next Zach Rance,” then you will probably not get far in the selection process.
  • Make a good video: Don’t yell, don’t whisper.
  • First impressions count: When making the audition video, you need to be able to sell yourself to those watching within the first five seconds. If you’re really dull for the first few minutes, then become Ms. Animated towards the end, your video was probably already passed up.
  • Show, don’t tell: The same rule that you learned in that one creative writing class you took in college also applies to your application for Big Brother. Don’t say you’re a really athletic person; show them you’re a really athletic person. Don’t say you’re really funny — because nothing is less funny than the line “I am really funny” — show them you’re a comedian.

The Big Brother casting process is long and extensive, and if you’re thinking of applying to be on the show, you need to be prepared. In case you’re interested in trying your shot for Big Brother 23, here’s everything you need to know before you shoot that audition video, as elaborately explained by a few past Big Brother houseguests.

First, here are some basics!

Application for the 11th season of BIG BROTHER CANADA is on. Before you even begin filling out the online application, you should first see if you meet the eligibility requirements. Here are the Eligibility Requirements for BIG BROTHER CANADA:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Casting for the new season of BIG BROTHER CANADA will be done completely virtually, foregoing in-person casting calls as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.

Big Brother Canada does not accept applications on behalf of third parties and the application process does not require financial details or credit card information to submit your application. You will not be considered for participation if you submit your application via any other means or websites other than those listed herein.

  1. If you’re selected by the Producer for an interview, you must be available for a Skype interview at a time to be scheduled by the Producer.
  2. If you’re selected by the Producer for an interview in the Semi-Finals, you must be willing to travel to Toronto for approximately one week at a time as scheduled by the Producer in its sole discretion for the final selection process. Economy travel (round-trip to and from Toronto, Ontario), hotel accommodations, and per diem will be arranged and paid for by the Producer.
  3. You must be willing to live in the Big Brother Canada house located in Toronto for approximately seventy-five (75) days on such dates to be determined by the producer in its sole discretion with approximately a dozen strangers where you will have little or no privacy. If you’re chosen to live in the house, it is your responsibility to make any necessary arrangements with your employer and family in anticipation of your extended absence from home.
  4. The house is extensively outfitted with video and audio recording devices that will record, broadcast, and exhibit your actions and voice at all times, twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week in every room of the house for the duration of your participation in the contest. You will be observed at all times by the Producer as well as the general public watching on television, the Internet, mobile devices, and all other media.
  5. One participant will receive the grand prize of CAD$100,000 (subject to change in Producer’s and/or the Broadcaster’s discretion). A weekly stipend will be provided for each participant for each week that he or she remains in the Big Brother Canada House. Stipend payments and prize winnings will not be paid until after the broadcast of the final episode of the show.
  6. You must be at least 19 years of age by February 1, 2022.
  7. You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada as of February 1, 2022.
  8. You must be in excellent physical and mental health.
  9. If you’re selected to be interviewed, you may be given, and must complete and return (before the date of your personal interview in Toronto), any further application materials (including but not limited to additional psychological and health questionnaires), or documents (such as your birth certificate, passport, and/or other identification) as well as a Medical History form.
  10. If selected as a Semi-Finalist you must complete the Participant Form Package, which will be furnished to you by the Producer and will include but is not limited to Participant Agreement & Release, psychological and medical assessments (including blood and urine tests), confidentiality agreement (including those for your immediate family members), caretaker agreement and other additional information as required by Producer. You must also submit to physical and psychological examinations by Producer-selected medical professional(s) in Toronto selected by the Producer and meet all physical and psychological requirements.
  11. By applying for participation in Big Brother Canada, you authorize the Producer to conduct civil, criminal, financial, driver-history and any other type of background checks deemed necessary by the Producer.
  12. Employees, officers, directors, and agents of Corus Media Holdings Inc. Insight Big Brother Canada Ltd., Insight Productions Ltd., Kassting Inc., Casting Crane LLC, EndemolShine North America Inc., any sponsor of the Program or a contest or prize related thereto, and/or any of their respective licensees, assigns, parents, affiliated and subsidiary companies and the immediate family (spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, daughter or son, regardless of where they live) or members of their same households (whether related or not) of such employees, officers, directors, and agents are not eligible to be participants on Big Brother Canada or participate in the application process.
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Are you wondering how someone with a full-time job is supposed to handle this, don’t worry. Here is what Natalie Negrotti, a former cast member from season 18, has to say:

“If you’re employed you can work it around your schedule…I would use my lunch breaks and evenings to focus on the application process.”

However, if you eventually make it to the final stages, things might get tricky. When it comes down to the wire, you might have to choose between your job or Big Brother. Natalie Negrotti said,

“Unfortunately, certain jobs like mine don’t allow you to take time off of work for that long and I had to resign my position. It was a huge gamble for me because if I didn’t make it to the jury and only lasted one day or one week in the house — I had just quit my job! I luckily made it through the whole process to the jury and got to cast a vote at the finale.”

What Natalie wanted us to know was that she took the risk and it paid her off. You too might have to sacrifice your “time-consuming” job if you’re certain you’ll hit the prize.

Do you think you have what it takes to win BIG BROTHER CANADA? Are you a BIG personality with STRONG opinions? Are you competitive and willing to fight for what you believe in? Are you 19 years or older (by February 1st, 2022)? If you can answer YES to all of the above, then Big Brother Canada wants YOU!

N/B: All applicants must meet these eligibility requirements above to be considered.

What is required in the application?

Are you ready for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? If yes, here are some simple steps for you to follow:

  • Step 1 – Make a video (check out the “video” tab on the official site for some guidance). It is always recommended to prerecord a video so you can make sure you are doing, saying, being exactly who you want to be.
  • Step 2 – Save a current and clear photo of yourself, and video to your computer, so they are ready when you apply online.

Note: Please make sure that you use only a RECENT picture of yourself (no hats or sunglasses), and a standard video (not portrait) saved onto your desktop.

  • Step 3 – Visit the official casting site at and fill out the online application completely, upload your video and picture and some basic information. Then click on apply.

Please Note: The application must be completed in ONE sitting.

  • Step 4 – The Producer will email you if they want to move forward in the casting process with you. If the producer is interested, they should contact you within two to three months.

All prospective houseguests must follow the steps above. To qualify, prospective houseguests must submit their applications by Nov. 19, 2021*, and be 19 years of age by Feb. 1, 2022.

The application requirements are pretty simple but many applicants don’t even make it past this stage. Obviously, “don’t be boring” is an obvious tip, but according to Glenn Garcia, a past cast member from season 18, what producers are really looking for is authenticity. He said,

“Be yourself… Be honest, and don’t try to be a character or try to act like a past houseguest. It doesn’t work.”

If you’re looking for examples of video auditions, many past Big Brother participants have uploaded their audition videos to YouTube. A simple search will do you good.

According to Big Brother’s official casting site, they appreciate audition videos that are bright, well-lit, and not shot in portrait mode.

Michelle Meyer from BB18 tried out in 2015, though she didn’t make it at first. After starring in the eighteenth season of the series, she posted both of her audition tapes to show fans how she “improved.”

In her first tape for BB18, Michelle revealed she was such a big fan of the show that she re-created the Season 16 intro. In her second audition, she showed more of her personality by revealing she is a superfan, admitting to making fan pages and getting in Reddit fights, and talking about her job in the medical field.

The Nolan twins from Season 17 added their own audition videos on their YouTube channel, Liz Nolan saying the clip needs to be “short, sweet, and memorable.” Julia Nolan advised having good video quality and filming in a well-lit area.

What Makes a Great Video?

Here are some tips to think about when making your video:

  • Videos should be no longer than 3 minutes in length.
  • Please ensure your video is less than 50MB and in one of the following file formats: mpg, Mpeg, Flv, Avi, Mp4, WMV, MOV, 3gp, or mkv.
  • Be yourself! #BBCAN11 Producer wants to get to know who you’re as a person. How will your life experience help you win Big Brother Canada? How will you interact with the other houseguests? When describing yourself, remember to cite real-life examples. Big Brother loves a good story!
  • Making a casting video is not about putting together the best skit or wearing the wackiest costumes. #BBCAN11 Producer is looking for real people and we want to see the real you.
  • If you come from a unique region or area of the country, talk about where you’re from, how it’s a part of your personality, or how it may help you do well on Big Brother Canada. If you have an interesting job, talk about your job and how those skills may help you win the show.

Lighting Tips:

  • If you’re shooting indoors, make sure to shoot in a well-lit room with lights in front of you to light your face.
  • Avoid shooting in front of a window with bright sunlight streaming in. This will cause silhouetting.
  • When shooting outdoors, avoid shooting with the sun directly behind you. This will also cause silhouetting.
  • Shoot during the day so we can see you instead of trying to see you in the dark.

Audio Tips:

  • Speak loudly and clearly
  • Find a relatively quiet area to shoot your video so ambient noises won’t distract from what you’re saying.
  • If you’re shooting indoors, avoid shooting in loud and crowded rooms where your voice will be drowned out by other people.
  • If you’re shooting outdoors, avoid shooting in loud areas and when it’s windy. The wind will distort the microphone.

Camera Tips:

  • Your video may be shown on TV. Please shoot in landscape (horizontally) as you would see it on a TV. Please do not shoot in portrait (vertical) style.

Do all cast members have to fill out an application?

Nope, some prospective cast members get picked up in casting calls while others are recruited. That is, not all cast members have to fill out an application, some are recruited and some are picked up. If you’re not recruited or picked up for the show, you’re going to have to audition.

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For casting calls, keep your eye on Big Brother’s official website for announcements on where and when they’ll be. As for recruitment, well, you need to know somebody who knows somebody. Fans can also nominate friends on social media by tagging @bigbrotherca and using #FutureHOH for a chance to get noticed by Big Brother Canada’s casting team. According to Natalie Negrotti,

“My good friend Tiffany Chantell, we were NFL Cheerleaders together, knew I was looking for a new job and was on The Amazing Race, so she got me in contact with her recruiter. She really helped me further my career and I have to really thank her for that. The rest is history.”

However, if you prefer attending an open casting call over sending in an audition video, “Big Brother” casting agents want to meet the real you, and not the kind of person you think they want to see. Liza Stinton, a Big Brother Canada alumni, advised in a YouTube video alongside Season 15 star McCrae Olson that, “Be the next you…Just be yourself.”

Still on the matter, Big Brother veteran, Matt Hoffman, says you need to have a character for yourself in mind to play off of. He told Big Brother Network, “You need to have a story or a ‘hook.’ Something that makes you stand out in an interesting one-sentence description.” Season 10 winner, Dan Gheesling, said being passionate is also important to be chosen. He said,

“Passion is something that will help you connect with a lot of people, including the casting producers. If you are really passionate about getting on reality TV they will be able to see it. If you want to get on reality TV just to be famous they will also see that (not a great idea). For someone trying to get on reality TV, they have to define what is driving them to apply – this is what I call the why-factor.”

Just like we said earlier, you can send in an audition tape or go to an open casting call, but Liz and Julia Nolan suggest doing both. Julia said in a video for their YouTube channel, “It’s just a better way to make sure producers will see your face.” Liz added, “And know that you’re serious and that you really want it.” Julia added that their season winner, Steve Moses, also did this to secure his spot on the show. Liz said, “A little (here and there) goes a long way.”

Our piece of advice to you: Don’t be too cool for casting calls! Big Brother veterans say showing your face and sending in an audition video is the best way to get seen by producers.

More so, do your research, we repeat, do your research!

Julia and Liz have claimed that casting directors prefer candidates who are familiar with the show’s lingo. Julia said they were asked in every audition who their favourite player was, so, be prepared!

Winner Ian Terry also said it was his knowledge of the series that earned him credit with producers. He said on, “I really think they like people who know the game and have a passion for the game…The fact that I was a fan of the game definitely helped.”

Additionally, a handout reportedly given to finalists ahead of Season 13 revealed that they should “know the show IN AND OUT” and noted that contestants “MUST have seen at least one FULL season.”

Note: Applicants will further be chosen to create a pool of approximately sixty (60) finalists. The Producer reserves the right to change any of the application terms at any time or to select or not select anyone at its sole discretion.

After I get a call from a producer, what’s next?

A good video, a fun personality, and a flexible schedule isn’t the only thing that will get you to cast. However, here’s when things get secretive. Due to contractual obligations, many applicants who’ve gone through this stage can’t go into detail about it. But according to an anonymous source who made it to the final stages, applicants are flown to a certain location, where they’re given IQ tests, written tests, personality tests, psychological evaluations, medical tests, and additional sit-downs with producers. In the words of Big Brother 4 winner Jun Song, “It’s like the Reality Television Casting Olympics.”

Glenn Garcia said, “I can’t talk too much about it, but let’s just say it’s a very long and lengthy process…You have to really want it to make the sacrifice to be available for the production’s needs.” But don’t let this discourage you. Natalie recommends talking about things you love since you’ll be talking non-stop anyway. She said,

“Talk about things you’re passionate about because your personality will really shine a lot more than if you’re talking about things you don’t really care about.” About herself, she said, “I’m very family oriented so I would talk about my mom at every interview because I adore her so much and she’s very funny. If you watch my Snapchat stories you would understand. LOL.”

Note: The BB Producer is looking for a dynamic group of individuals who are articulate, interesting, and exhibit enthusiasm for the project as well as a willingness to share their most private thoughts in an open forum of strangers. This group of individuals, while meeting the technical requirements of the program, must also have sufficient physical, psychological, and mental capacity to endure approximately 75 days in a monitored house under extraordinary conditions.

What other tips do I need to stand out from the pack?

As much as we would like to say that doing A, B, or C will guarantee you a place in the Big Brother house, the reality is that you just have to be yourself.

“People can tell when you are genuine and gravitate towards it,” Natalie said. “I was myself the whole process and only really talked about my mom and my jobs, my reality, and they seemed to like it!”

Don’t give up but keep on trying!

And if you eventually apply and don’t make it all the way through, you don’t need to give up, you can always keep on trying. Glenn said, “Don’t give up! I have heard some past houseguests have applied several times and then finally get the chance later on.”

Liz explained to potential future Big Brother stars on her channel “Keep on trying, don’t give up if you don’t make that season. Maybe you just weren’t right for the aesthetic of that season.”

Dan Gheesling, who was rejected several times before being cast, shared similar sentiment but warned against masking the same mistakes for different seasons. He said,

“My advice to someone who has had some success in the casting process is to keep applying. Each audition thereafter you have to step it up or change something about your approach. If you continue to do the same thing time in and time out, you can’t really expect different results.”

Glen’s final tip for BB contenders? “Get ready for the ride of your life!”

Application Checklist

  • Application Form, including the following:
  • Online Release and Waiver;
  • Audition video submission; and
  • One (1) recent photograph of you.

Please ensure all of the documents above have been reviewed carefully and are completed fully before they are submitted. Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed or considered for participation in Big Brother Canada.

Thank you for your interest and good luck!

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