Meet BBCAN 8 Contestant: John Luke Kieper

BBCAN John Luke Kieper

Said to be the hottest dude from his season, John Luke Kieper appeared as a houseguest on the 8th edition of the Big Brother Canada Show in 2020. 

No lies, John Luke Kieper is a hot dude from Klampoos, British Columbia. Upon appearance on the show, he was a 22 years old Journalist who has spent a successful part of his career working for NowMedia. Here is why NowMedia finds no issues with him taking a leave to feature on the show. 

John Kieper prides himself as an athletic scholar who can be usually underrated. His appearance bio reads “John Luke may seem like a laid-back, carefree guy, but dont peg him for a floater”. 

On the show, John Luke did not hesitate to activate his A game. He was not a member of any alliance but he had loyalties and they included Madeline Di Nenzio and Michael Stabley. He had no Head of Household win (HOH) and no Power of Veto (POV) win but he was never nominated for eviction. 

John Luke Kieper was also one of the houseguests affected by the sudden end of the show by the organizers due to the tragic hit of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Since the commencement of the Big Brother Canada show, every edition of the show was always aired for a period of three months plus. Due to Corona complications which made the whole world shut down all human activities in March/April, the season 8 edition was called off on the 25th day after commencement, barely making a month.

John’s plan of going to Toronto to win the Show and come back with home furnishings, travel money and more was cut short by the abrupt end of the show. 

See also  Meet BBCAN 7 Contestant: Mark Drelich

Regardless, John was able to gain the love of Canada during his short stay on the BBCAN Show. 

John is engaged to his heartthrob, one who he faults on his Instagram where he is active. He is also very active on Twitter.

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